Northern Fire Doors is a passive fire protection company specialising in fire door inspection, remediation, maintenance, installation, & consultation.
Our business is safety. Our team of qualified professionals guarantee your fire doors compily with UK government regulation, ensuring protection in the event of a fire.
Working across northern England, we service both residential and commercial, public and private sector, health, social care, education, & beyond.
Our Services
Qualified fire door inspectors, identifying safety issues & failure to meet regulation. Annual, biannual, & quarterly inspections when required.
Our qualified installers can create or replace existing fire doors, to meet your changing needs or resolve a unsalvageable & unsafe fire door.
Following an inspection, we offer responsive remedial work on fire doors to resolve safety issues & satisfy all necessary regulatory requirements.
If you are a new or regular customer, please get in touch with queries regarding your passive fire protection. We are always happy to help.
Reactive maintenance can be performed to doors damaged between inspections. Issues and damage can occur to a fire door during routine usage.
We routine collaborate with other businesses in the industry, if your enquiry doesn't fall within our prevue, we offer steps in the right direction.
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Who we work with
From the smallest home to the largest institution, we offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your specific needs. ​We service both residential and commercial, public and private sector, health, social care, education, & beyond.

Based in Yorkshire, we offer our services across Northern England.
Contact us for passive fire protection solutions.